September 10th, 2020


Waterproofing cannot be seen as a luxury item in a building. It is not a whim of the user or an “extra” that the construction company is offering. Waterproofing is a real necessity: it will guarantee the durability of your assets and the healthiness of the environment.

This technique consists in the application of products that have the objective of protecting different areas of a property against the action of rainwater, washing, bathing and humidity in general.

As with any activity involving financial resources, it is necessary to analyze the cost-benefit ratio of the project. Waterproofing is the same.

When done correctly, with suitable products and professional service, waterproofing can cost more or less 2% of the total value of the finished work.

If this service is carried out only after problems with infiltrations in the already completed building have been verified, it will exceed – and much! – this percentage, which can reach up to 10% of the total cost of the work. That is, the expense can be five times greater, in addition to giving a lot of headache.

Therefore, you must take the waterproofing of any work seriously. And, if you want security and confidence right now, use DRYKO products. It is the ideal choice for those seeking quality and innovation.