January 22nd, 2021


Impermeabilização em época de chuvas

In rainy season waterproofing is essential.

The summer is marked by heavy rains, which can cause damage to properties due to infiltration problems, leaks and cracks.

The most efficient way to combat unforeseen events of this type is through a waterproofing system.

It is essential in protecting the structure of a property, preserving property and preventing damage to health, due to humidity and mold.

Every real estate development is subject to infiltrations, since they occur due to several factors, such as rain, natural movement of the structure, leaks, problems in the hydraulic system, among others.

Infiltrations do not start overnight, they appear little by little and deteriorate the structures and degrade your property. What is worse is that, most of the time, we only notice the problem when it is out of control and the infiltrations are apparent.

DRYKO IMPERMEABILIZANTES has a complete line of waterproofing products for various areas, including waterproofing external walls against rain.

DRYKO FACHADA seals, waterproofs and finishes. Discover this and other products of our line on the website: click here.