August 25th, 2020


Against the famous and fearsome gutters, the main ally you can have is the undercoat blankets, installed between the structure and the tiles. They also contribute to the good thermal performance of the roof. For this reason, they are increasingly present in several works.

There are several models on the market: from those that only serve to leave water outside, to those that provide thermal comfort.

If the final roof of the house is not a roof, but a slab, the waterproofing must also not be overlooked. The ideal is to use blankets and asphalt membranes.

The reason why some blankets accumulate the characteristics of thermal comfort and waterproofing is in the layer of aluminized film they have.

It works as a barrier to solar radiation, as aluminum reflects rays. When the blanket has the material layer at the bottom, it emits little heat by irradiation into the house, improving the ambient temperature.

In addition to the subcovering, for the good thermoacoustic performance of the house it is also important to have ventilation above the ceiling or the slab.

With DRYKOFOIL you have a quality and differentiated waterproofing.

It is different from similar ones found on the market, manufactured in other countries, since it was developed and tested within our climatic realities.

It has an excellent cost-benefit ratio that guarantees more thermal comfort, reduction in the cost of energy through the use of air conditioning and fans, also increasing the useful life of the roof, as it is an excellent waterproofing in case of leaks. Its polished surface does not allow the proliferation of fungi and dirt common on roofs.

Product characteristics:

  • Reduces heat from the roof by more than 90%.
  • Maintains the internal temperature of the environment.
  • Provides longer life to the roof.
  • It is easy to install and can be applied to any type of roof.
  • Inhibits the presence of fungi, insects and rodents.
  • Do not spread flame.