November 27th, 2020


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The proper waterproofing system protects the structure of buildings and extends their useful life. Therefore, it is essential that the property, before its construction, has a detailed study of the areas that will receive protection.

In addition, product certification and the training of professionals who

will do the application must be guaranteed. In order for the waterproofing to be perfect, we prepared a guide with 10 basic care tips before carrying out the application. Check out!

1. The hydraulic and electrical projects, in addition to the facilities, need to be inspected.

2. The pipes external to the walls must be spaced apart or between them or vertical planes, at least 10 cm, according to NBR9575 / 03.

3. Observe the height determination in the waterproofing project (dimensions) for fixing the waterproofing protection.

4. A minimum difference of 6 cm is required in the limits between the waterproofed external and internal areas.

5. The perimeters in contact with the waterproofing need to be carried out in masonry. Internal and external perimeters, in masonry concrete.

6. Waits for anchoring guardrails, benches, towers, cleaning, among others, must be fixed.

7. The expansion joints are dividing waters with higher levels in the trim leveling, according to NBR9575 / 03.

8. Carefully follow the execution memorial before starting.

9. It is not necessary to remove the polyethylene film from the asphalt blanket, as it will disappear with the torch flame.

10. Before mechanical protection, perform a leak test.

And ready. With this care, combined with DRYKO products, its waterproofing will be a success!