September 23rd, 2020


In today’s post we will talk about building maintenance, its types and its importance.

ABNT establishes that maintenance is “the set of activities to be carried out to conserve or recover the functional capacity of the building and its constituent parts to meet the needs and safety of its users”.

There are 3 types of building maintenance.

Preventive maintenance, carried out before repairs are needed, is related to the development of activities that help to preserve the functionality of the building.

Corrective maintenance has to do with correcting errors and wear on machines, installations and equipment. It is maintenance that reacts to a problematic situation, so it has a higher cost.

Predictive maintenance, on the other hand, has characteristics of the two previous types. It starts in a correction situation and starts to regularly evaluate the equipment and installations to guarantee its functionality. It is a low-cost type of building maintenance and requires less work than corrective.

Preventive planning services:

– inspection of common areas, security systems, equipment, and so on;

– inspection of electrical and hydraulic installations;

– verification of elevators, gas installations and the integrity of the roof.

The advantages of this type of maintenance are the increase in the useful life of equipment and installations, the reduction in downtime and corrective activities, the reduction of risks and accidents, in addition to lower costs.

In the next post we will talk about corrective and predictive maintenance. Don’t miss out!