July 6th, 2020
red roof texture tile and blue sky with cloud in background
Like roofing slabs, roofs are the areas that are most exposed to the damaging action of sunlight, rain and pollution.
To extend the useful life of these areas, the best measure to be taken is to waterproofing. It will guarantee increased durability and tightness of the entire building.
With that in mind, DRYKO offers ideal products for this type of situation, asphalt tapes, asphalt blankets and liquid blankets. The liquid blanket DRYKOLAJE TOP, DRYKOFITA ALUMÍNIO and DRYKOMANTA ALUMÍNIO AUTOADESIVA are easy to apply and can be used on any type of ready-made roofing or tile. Traditional asphalt blankets need greater care for application, as they are applied with the aid of a torch and this requires specialized labor.
DRYKO has in its line also, DRYKO HIDRORREPELENTE. He is a silane-siloxane that can be applied on ceramic tiles and that repel water.
We also count on DRYKOFOIL. It is effective against infiltrations from rainwater and still allows water vapor to pass. This prevents condensation and moisture build-up over time, in addition to proliferation of fungi and pests, and also improves thermal comfort within the building.