August 13th, 2020

Roof or slab, which to choose?

Roof or slab, which to choose?

Both options have their characteristics and uses. In this post we will know what they are and what is the best option for you.


Slabs are often the type of roof used most in buildings. Despite this, it can bring problems when waterproofing, as well as infiltrations.

Therefore, if your choice is for the slab cover, count on DRYKO and its product line to evolve your work and have the best waterproofing. DRYKO blankets and the liquid blanket (for slabs up to 200 m²) are great solutions. Also remember to perform periodic maintenance on your slab for even more safety.

As positive points, the slab allows the verticalization of the construction and it is still possible to create spaces such as a garden ceiling, a terrace, in addition to future installations of other rooms for the house. On the negative side it puts weight on the structure.


The tiles that make up the roofs can be found in different shapes, types and materials, which vary according to the design or function of the tile. What changes from one model to the next is the shape of the piece, its fit and the conduction of water. The roof support system is formed by thirds, which support the rafters that hold the slats where the tiles are fitted.

To choose the best type of tile for your building you need to observe the slope of the roof.

To protect the interiors, an undercoat is recommended. Tiles already help in this matter, however, due to their low cost, undercoat blankets or asphalt tapes are indicated to improve the results. At that time, go to DRYKOFOIL and DRYKOFITA, which has no mistake.