3,6 L, 18 L e 200 L
Asphalt emulsion composed of special asphalt with mineral filler and elastomeric resin, diluted in water. It has a high sodium content which, due to its characteristic, guarantees a covering with few coats, providing a highly impermeable membrane.
Suitable for: terraces, balconies, bathrooms, service areas, kitchen, concrete gutters, recommended for residential roof slabs and isolated areas with light structural movements and without traffic.
Perform regularization with a minimum drop of 1% towards the water drainage points, prepared with cement mortar and medium sand 1: 4 trace, adding DRYKOFIX CHAPISCO adhesive emulsion in the mixing water for greater adhesion to the substrate. It is worth mentioning that no type of water repellent should be placed in the regularization mortar. This mortar should have a finished finish, with a minimum thickness of 2.0 cm. Rounding sharp corners and edges, reworking faults, etc. The surface to be waterproofed must be dry, clean, free from oils, greases and loose particles.
Mix the product for approximately 3 minutes before application.
Apply with a brush, broom or spray, 2 to 4 crossed coats, waiting for the drying time between coats of at least 6 hours to cure from one coat to another. Structure with 1 x 1 mm polyester industrial mesh after the first coat.
In the first coat, dilute up to 15% with water.
As a protection of the waterproofed surface, perform simple mechanical protection, when using the area with pedestrian traffic or protect the system with an acrylic membrane to resist weather and UV.
The product must be homogenized before and during application.
It is recommended not to apply the product in rainy weather and wet substrate. We recommend application with temperature between 10 and 40 ºC, and relative humidity below 85%. It should also be avoided the application on existing markings like paintings, thermoplastics and others. DRYKOPREN PRETO must not be used in water tanks and tanks. The product cannot be subjected to heavy traffic and abrasion.
Product validity is 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored in an upright position, in its original and intact packaging, in a covered, dry, ventilated place and away from heat sources.
We guarantee the quality of our products against manufacturing defects. We do not assume responsibility for the poor performance of the work due to incorrect use and because we do not have direct control over the application. The product must be applied by a qualified professional and in accordance with the instructions in our technical bulletin and in the Product Safety Data Sheet.
We recommend observing the safety rules established by the competent bodies and the use of suitable PPE such as gloves and safety glasses.
The product should not be ingested or come into contact with the skin or eyes.
In case of accidental ingestion, do not force vomit. In contact with eyes, rinse well with water for an average of 10 to 15 minutes. In contact with the skin, wash well with soap and water and use moisturizer. If the problem persists, seek medical attention.
Keep out of reach of children and animals.