1 m - 10 m


Industrialized waterproofing asphalt blanket made from polymer modified asphalt and structure with needled polyester filament needles previously stabilized with thermosetting resin. It is characterized by high resistance to traction and tearing, characteristics that are presented homogeneously throughout the blanket, reducing the richness of failures located in the waterproofing. In its formation, it has admixtures in which it has the function of inhibiting root attacks.

Suitable for: areas that are in direct contact with vegetation and soil such as flower boxes, planters and curtains.

Put down the amount you would like to put in your budget, after adding your product you can close and send your order.

Perform regularization with a minimum drop of 1% towards the water drainage points, prepared with cement mortar and medium sand 1: 4 trace, adding DRYKOFIX CHAPISCO adhesive emulsion in the mixing water for greater adhesion to the substrate.

Emerging pipes and drains must be rigidly fixed. A 1 cm deep drawdown around the drains with a diameter of 50 cm is recommended. The waterproofing should be carried out on the baseboards at a minimum height of 30 cm from the finished floor.

Round sharp edges and edges. It is worth mentioning that no type of water repellent should be placed in the regularization mortar. This mortar should have a finished finish, with a minimum thickness of 2.0 cm.

Apply a single coat of emulsion / asphalt solution DRYKOPRIMER ACQUA or DRYKOPRIMER ECO to prime the substrate and wait for it to dry.

Then, align the coil for later application with a torch, ASFEL elastomeric asphalt, or ASFOX oxidized asphalt. Take care with the overlap, as it must be at least 10 cm on the sides and 20 cm at the top. Bevel for perfect adherence.

On the waterproofing already carried out, perform the leak test for 72 hours, then put a separating layer (Kraft paper or DRYKO CAMADA SEPARADORA) and then perform the mechanical protection of the area in question, as specified in the project.

Validity of the product is 24 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored upright, in its original and intact packaging, in a dry, well-ventilated place and away from heat. Store at temperatures between 5 and 35 ° C. We guarantee the quality of our products against manufacturing defects.

We do not assume responsibility for the poor performance of the work due to incorrect use and because we do not have direct control over the application. The product must be applied in accordance with the instructions in our technical bulletin and in the Product Safety Data Sheet.

Handle with care. Avoid strong shocks and contact with sharp surfaces.

Avoid getting the product near heat, flame or spark, avoid smoking.

We recommend observing the safety rules established by the competent bodies and the use of suitable PPE such as gloves and safety glasses.

The product should not be ingested or come into contact with the skin or eyes.

In case of accidental ingestion, do not force vomit. In contact with eyes, rinse well with water for an average of 10 to 15 minutes. In contact with the skin, wash well with soap and water and use moisturizer. Do not remove the product. Search for a doctor.

Keep out of reach of children and animals.

Not suitable for application in closed places, if necessary to create forced ventilation.

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