4 e 20 kg


Two-component cementitious waterproofing based on acrylic polymers with special cements, functioning as a very flexible and elastic membrane with high adhesion and performance.

Where to Apply

  • Wet or damp areas in general
  • Buried pool
  • Buried pools and water mirrors
  • Water reservoirs and tanks
  • Roof slabs
  •  Foundation beams, foundations, and retaining walls

For other applications, consult the DRYKO technical team.

Put down the amount you would like to put in your budget, after adding your product you can close and send your order.

The substrate for the application of DRYKOELASTIC PRO must be clean, free of foreign bodies, formwork residues, protruding reinforcements, release agents, impregnated products, faults, and nests.

For smooth concrete, sand with a steel brush or mechanically to open pores and remove release agents or curing compounds. If necessary, level with a minimum slope of 1% for outdoor areas and 0.5% for indoor areas, directing water towards drainage points. Prepare with cement and medium sand mortar in a 1:4 ratio, adding DRYKOFIX CHAPISCO adhesive emulsion to the mixing water for better adhesion to the substrate. The mortar should have a smooth finish, with a minimum thickness of 2 cm.

Emerging pipes and drains should be rigidly fixed with DRYKOPOXI. Drains must have a minimum diameter of 75 mm (3 inches). Around drains and emerging pipes (e.g., toilet bowls), use DRYKO SELANTE PU as reinforcement between concrete and PVC.

Cold joints and concrete seams can be treated with DRYKOPOXI or as recommended by the responsible structural engineer. Before applying DRYKOELASTIC PRO, you can apply DRYKOTEC 1100 PRO as a skim coat to reduce consumption on very porous substrates and buried structures subject to groundwater.


  • The mortar used for leveling should not contain lime or waterproofing additives. If necessary, use DRYKAL.
  • Wait for the mortar to cure for at least 7 days.
  • In pools or elevated concrete reservoirs, perform a water load test for at least 72 hours to allow the structure to settle before waterproofing, checking for any cracks and fissures that may occur under full load.

Add the entire component B (liquid) into a clean container. Using a mixer with a propeller, start mixing while gradually adding component A (powder – special cement).

Mix mechanically for an average of 5 minutes with a clean, suitable rod until a homogeneous, lump-free paste is formed.

The product is pre-measured in a 1:1 ratio, with equal quantities of components A and B provided in the packaging for easy homogenization.

Before starting the application of DRYKOELASTIC PRO, moisten the surface without creating puddles or runoff. Depending on the ambient temperature, constantly moisten the surface before applying DRYKOELASTIC PRO.

Use a soft bristle broom, brush, or rectangular brush to apply the product. With the substrate damp, apply the product in crisscross strokes, in uniform layers without excess. Respect the interval between coats, which should be between 4 to 6 hours, until the recommended consumption of 1.3 to 2.4 kg/m² is reached.

In slabs, reservoirs, and pools, after applying the first coat of DRYKOELASTIC PRO, reinforce corners, drains, and pipes with DRYKO TELA. Apply subsequent coats until the recommended consumption is reached, ensuring the DRYKO TELA is fully covered.

Mix the product every 15 minutes during application to prevent solid sedimentation.

Waterproofing Test

Wait for the product to cure after the final coat before performing a waterproofing test for a minimum duration of 72 hours.

Mechanical Protection

When necessary, we recommend providing mechanical protection using a 1:3 mix with DRYKOFIX CHAPISCO in the mixing water with a minimum thickness of 2 cm or by installing a covering over the product with ACIII mortar. On the final coat of the still damp product, sprinkle dry sand for better adhesion of the mechanical protection or the installation of ceramic tiles.


  • Follow the scope, details, and finishes as per the project.
  • In temperatures near or above 30°C, moisten the base more frequently and intensively, especially in very large areas due to higher water evaporation.
  • Never apply on a dry substrate. Always moisten the product between coats.
  • On hot days, promote the hydration of the product with water during curing.
  • Each coat of DRYKOELASTIC PRO consumes approximately 0.6 kg/m².
  • Use mechanical protection mortar on the floor for application in water reservoirs due to the cleaning services these areas are subjected to.
  • If installing the final coating over the waterproofing, use ACIII adhesive mortar.
  • Do not use in locations with a pH lower than 6.
  • For the ceiling of the reservoir, use DRYKOPUR TANQUE at 1 kg/m².
  • In reservoirs or tanks, measure the pH before human or animal consumption.
  • In tanks intended for fish farming and related activities, measure the water pH and adjust if necessary before placing the fish.
  • In tanks, reservoirs, and any other areas in permanent contact with water, clean the surface of the product thoroughly to remove residues and rinse abundantly without chemical or mechanical aggressors.
  • We recommend that our products be applied by trained professionals specialized in waterproofing activities.

Valid for 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that storage standards are respected.

Store in a covered, dry, ventilated area, away from heat sources, and in environments with temperatures not exceeding 30°C, in an upright position.

  • Handle with care. Use gloves and PPE according to current regulations.
  • In enclosed spaces, create forced ventilation if necessary.
  • For more information on handling and safety, consult the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available on our website – www.dryko.com.br.
  • Dispose of the contents/container at an approved waste treatment and disposal facility. Do not reuse the packaging.


4 kg


20 kg


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