200 L


Asphalt emulsion composed of modified asphalt and special additives, used in the preparation of mortar and mastic for waterproofing systems. Thixotropic product.

Indicated for: making a damping layer to protect the waterproofing in areas with vehicle traffic, such as parking ramps, etc., for filling movement joints in finished mechanical protection plates.

Put down the amount you would like to put in your budget, after adding your product you can close and send your order.

The surface must be dry, clean, free from oils, greases and loose particles of any kind. Carry out the regularization with cement and sand mortar, in the 1: 3 line in volume. Round the sharp corners and edges.

Mix the product for approximately 3 minutes before application. Cushioning layer: Apply the cushioning layer with mortar in the line 1: 3: 8, (cement: DRYKO EMUL: sand) mix until obtaining a homogeneous, cohesive and consistent mortar. Apply within two hours after mixing.

Caulking of joints: Mix 1: 3, (DRYKO EMUL: sand), mix the components until a uniform, cohesive and consistent paste is obtained. Apply using a trowel, completely filling the gap of the mechanical protection joints.

Validity of 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored in an upright position, in its original and intact packaging, in a dry, well-ventilated place and away from heat sources under a maximum temperature of 25ºC. We guarantee the quality of our products against manufacturing defects.

We do not assume responsibility for the poor performance of the work due to incorrect use and because we do not have direct control over the application. The product must be applied by a qualified professional and in accordance with the instructions in our technical bulletin and in the Product Safety Data Sheet.

We recommend observing the safety rules established by the competent bodies and the use of suitable PPE such as gloves and safety glasses.

The product should not be ingested or come into contact with the skin or eyes.

In case of accidental ingestion, do not force vomit. In contact with eyes, rinse well with water for an average of 10 to 15 minutes. In contact with the skin, wash well with soap and water and use moisturizer. If the problem persists, seek medical attention.

Keep out of reach of children and animals.

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