July 6th, 2020


For everything to go as expected in your work, you must invest in good planning.

To succeed in this endeavor it is necessary that you:

  • Follow all phases of the project.
  • Have discretion when choosing professionals.
  • Set your budget very well.

Only with the budget in hand you have control of expenses and can better define investments in the various stages of the project.

Evaluate beforehand what you want to renovate and with the help of a professional in the area, set up a spreadsheet with all the needs of the work.

In the spreadsheet, include material, labor and licenses (if necessary). And reserve a part for possible unforeseen events.

With the spreadsheet in hand, your negotiating power in the purchase of materials increases. Do a lot of research before finalizing your purchase.

For labor, whenever possible, sign contracts. They will ensure that your work has a beginning, middle and end.

If possible, have a good project in hand: it will avoid surprises on the construction site.

During the preparation of the project, the professional must also analyze the construction / demolition plant, the materials that will be used and the need to modify the electrical and hydraulic network, waterproofing, etc. The finish and decoration follow.

Professionals involved:

  • Project: Engineer / Architect
  • Construction / Demolition: Bricklayers
  • Ceilings and walls: Plasterer / painter
  • Sockets and switches / Lighting: Electrician
  • Decoration: Interior design

Plan well your work and Success!