July 6th, 2020


Continuing the subject about the pathologies of a construction, we will now talk about the main ones.

The most common

Among several pathologies that can occur in a construction, the main ones are:

  • cracks;
  • humidity;
  • displacement of plasters and floors;
  • carbonation;
  • infiltrations.

As you can see, there are a multitude of pathologies, but the good news is that they can be treated.

Treating pathology in construction

For each pathology there is a different way of taking care of the problem. When it comes to pathologies in civil construction, the best thing is to try to identify the flaws and symptoms so that a correct diagnosis can be produced.

In this way, it is possible to find out what materials will be needed and the service that should be done to rebuild the damaged sections and resolve their cause.

Pathology repairs in civil construction are extremely essential, since, through them, the building’s functions will be recovered. It is important that you have the opinion of a professional in the field to propose the best solutions.

And, of course, always count on DRYKO and its product line specially manufactured to provide the best waterproofing for your work.