July 6th, 2020


Skylight on a newly installed roof of a single family home.

Skylight on a newly installed roof of a single family home.

Lighting and ventilation are fundamental factors in any architectural project. And a great option to improve and make better use of these two elements is the use of skylights.

In a simple way, we can say that the skylight is a window on the roof. It is an opening in the ceiling that can light up to 8 times more than conventional windows.

Common in places such as stairs, attics and corridors, skylights can be an efficient solution to naturally light other environments in the house, leaving several rooms in the house more sophisticated and inviting.

In addition to helping to save electricity, another advantage of skylights is to make spaces more cozy and modern. In addition, being able to observe the night sky inside the house has a special charm, right?

Of course, some precautions need to be taken if you decide to adopt this idea. And a key point is the amount of light you want.

In bedrooms and living rooms, excessive lighting can end up bothering you. In such cases, it may be advisable to install curtains or covers developed especially for skylights. This measure also helps to alleviate one of the problems that they can cause, which is the excessive heat due to sunlight that penetrates the house directly. Placing heat-absorbing films is also an option

And in order not to have a headache with infiltrations in the future, use DRYKOFITA for waterproofing your work.