July 6th, 2020


Despite everything that is said about it, there are some practices that can help improve the overall performance of your construction site.

Some factors have a strong impact on productivity in construction, such as:

the work methodology adopted;

training and satisfaction of the workforce;

construction site layout;

management and control practices;

organizational structure of the company; and

production processes used.

To increase productivity in civil construction, it is necessary to decrease some things – such as construction time, rework and waste of materials -, standardize activities and intensify control over inventory.

For this, it is important to:

planning the construction site;

invest in the layout and logistics of the construction site;

investing in the qualification and well-being of employees;

pay attention to NR 18;

do not neglect the importance of storing materials;

require the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment); and EPCs (Collective Protection Equipment);

maintain organization and cleanliness;

and schedule the purchase of materials.

Technology can also help you. There are more and more intelligent building materials that help to achieve better quality and productivity in construction.

In addition, devices such as tablets and smartphones and management software provide organization and instant access to information relevant to the smooth running of your work.