August 20th, 2020


The exposed concrete is a great resource that can bring charm and elegance to the most diverse types of environments. The idea is to expose the concrete component of the structure of the buildings.

Without coatings and finishing materials, the aesthetic result is very beautiful. Currently, concrete is applied in several spaces, urban or rural, and has become a famous decorative element.

Originally, concrete should only be covered with other finishing materials. However, its gray tone has everything to do with contemporary locations and can be applied to entire walls, floors, columns, slabs, facades and more.

Along with rusticity, minimalism and uniqueness, exposed concrete is one of the most used features to provide relaxation, factory aspects and neutrality.

It is worth remembering that the exposed concrete is not the same as burnt cement, although they are similar.

Burnt cement is a coating made with special mortar and has a more polished and shiny look. The exposed concrete is a constructive technique, with the right to all imperfections during the process of laying in the forms and hardening.

Where to use

The exposed concrete can be applied in any style and be part of residential or corporate projects. The only limitations are the forms of application and maintenance.

In domestic indoor environments, concrete can appear mainly on walls and ceilings for the purpose of amplitude, leaving the project differentiated. With a personalized decoration and with quality furniture, it is possible to completely transform the environment, disguising any problem in relation to the more coarse and unfinished characteristics of concrete.

In corporate and commercial environments, exposed concrete is widely used in floors and walls to make the environment more industrial. In this case, the decoration is also a striking feature to leave the business with the company’s style.

When we talk about external areas, this material calls for more attention, since it is not always easy to propose features that combine with aesthetics and that do not give the impression of being unfinished. For these projects, the best option is to bet on a more modern, straight and minimalist style, thus giving raw and sophisticated characteristics.

Damp and wet areas, such as bathrooms, can also rely on these applications, but with great care. It is necessary to avoid chemicals, shampoos and soaps, in addition to the safety issue, as the floor is more slippery.

Finally, concrete can be used to compose the environment more discreetly. Applied on columns, stairs and furniture, such as sideboards and benches, they blend into any style and give a new look to the environment.

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