July 6th, 2020


Thermal blankets for roofs

The roofs, in addition to providing protection for the development against the sun and rain, also help to reduce the temperature of the environment, however this efficiency of reducing the temperature can be improved with undercoat blankets.

What is a thermal underlay blanket?
Subcovering blanket is an aluminum film (more resistant than used in food), and has this name because it is installed under the roof, that is, under the roof, in the wood. Subcovering blankets have two types, with one side – aluminum on one side and white film on the other and with two faces – aluminum on both sides.

What is the best type of underlay for my home?
Both types of subcovering are efficient, but you should pay attention to the environment to be installed, if you have good ventilation with windows and doors and you only need to prevent the entry of heat, it is advisable to use the one side, with an aluminum side.

The two-sided underlay blanket is ideal for homes where the resident needs to keep the environment warm on cold days, in addition to preventing heat from entering on hot days.

How does the subcovering blanket work?
The blankets work as a heat reflector, the sun heats the tiles that throw the heat into the environment, the aluminum film reflects this heat by throwing it back to the tile that it returns to the external environment. It also works for the temperature inside the room.

So when using the thermal blanket with one side, the aluminum should face the roof, with the white side facing the environment.

Another very important aspect of undercoat blankets is that they protect against leaks and small infiltrations in the roof, protecting the woodwork and prolonging the durability.

DRYKO has in its product line the DRYKOFOIL with one and two sides, the thermal undercoat blanket that helps in reducing the heat of the environment.