March 30th, 2020


Concluding our series on foundations, we will now talk a little more about indirect or deep foundations.
Indirect or deep foundations
In cases where the soil has low resistance, it is necessary to combine the use of shallow and deep or indirect foundations. The most common indirect foundations in homes are drill piles.

Drills are concrete and steel cylinders that, when buried, connect the shallow foundations with firmer soils.

Indirect or deep foundations
For soils with little resistance, such as landfills, the pile foundation is the most suitable.

In this situation it is necessary to dig a lot to be able to find a solid soil to make the foundations. Usually the piles are more than 3 meters deep.

This type of foundation transmits loads to the ground through lateral friction. It is the same as when we are very tired and, to relieve the weight of our legs, we lean our body against the wall. Excavation is done by means of a manual or mechanical auger, popularly called a drill.

How to choose the right foundation?
The choice must always be made by technical criteria. So, avoid spending more money in the future and hire an engineer to prepare the structural design of your home.

And, of course, always count on DRYKO to have the best waterproofing in your work.

With DRYKO you don’t have bad weather.