November 10th, 2020


Confira no blog da DRYKO tudo sobre impermeabilização para telhados verdes

We are a family owned and operated business.

Check the DRYKO blog for everything about waterproofing for green roofs.

Green roofs are a solution increasingly used to ensure better air quality, reduce the phenomenon known as heat island, and minimize the problem of flooding, thanks to the retention of rainwater.

They can make big cities more pleasant and healthy to live in. In addition to pleasant aesthetics, these areas help control pollution, improve thermal and acoustic comfort in the building, increase air humidity throughout the neighborhood, and help protect animal and plant species.

If you have decided to use the idea, know that it is essential to waterproof the entire area to ensure the tightness of the structure and the safety of the building’s residents.

The determination of the waterproofing and the types of plants that will be ideal for each type of area must be done together with an engineer and a landscaper.

The choice of waterproofing system must have a biocide in its formulation so that the roots of the plants do not damage the waterproofing.

The care for waterproofing a green roof does not differ much from that used for waterproofing a slab.

That is:

– Surface preparation.

– 1% drop towards the water drainage points.

– Drains, emergent tubes and other parts must be well fixed.

– Edges and overlays must be given extra attention.

The waterproofing of a green coverage area must have the following layers:

– Slab

– Regularization

– Primer

– Waterproofing

– Separating layer

– Mechanical protection

– Draining layer

– Filter layer

– Vegetable soil

– Plants