July 6th, 2020


hand touching a touch screen interface with iso 9001

It is with pride and great satisfaction that DRYKO announces that it has just received the ISO 9001

recertification. It is yet another proof of the total commitment to quality that has always been part of DRYKO IMPERMEABILIZANTES throughout its history.

In Brazil, NBR ISO 9001 is linked to the Brazilian Standards Association Techniques (ABNT). It is she who oversees the technological, physical and human procedures determined by the standard.

Its main objective is to guarantee the satisfaction of customers, investors, employees and other stakeholders who use the products or services offered by the certified company. For this, it offers guidelines standards for the standardization of the production line, installations, logistics, people management and all other activities of the entity.

The assessment, carried out periodically by the world leader in certifications – DNV LG – aims to ascertain DRYKO’s compliance with the

Quality Management, which assures customers and partners the quality, always bearing in mind the training, awareness and motivation of contributors.

DRYKO is now part of the select group of companies that have the ISO 9001-2015 certification.

Even more confidence and security for you and your works. If it’s quality that you search, you can count on us.