July 6th, 2020


Infiltração - Bem mais do que um problema estético

Infiltration is a major construction problem. They start as stains, bubbles and mold, leaving a very unpleasant visual aspect.

However, what many do not know is that infiltrations can have far more serious consequences than aesthetic problems.

Most of the materials used in construction are porous and this allows water to seep through them.

Reinforced concrete, for example, which is widely used in buildings, has a high degree of porosity, and if waterproofing is not carried out, problems with infiltrations will certainly occur.

The most common complications caused by the lack of waterproofing in the structures are corrosion of the reinforcement, efflorescence by leaching and carbonation.

These structural problems caused by the infiltration of water are avoided when the elements are correctly dimensioned, in addition to the execution accompanied by professionals.

All of this, together with a good waterproofing with quality products, guarantee the protection and safety of your work.