July 6th, 2020


Tijolo aparente, uma boa opção de design.

The exposed brick wall is a good option for those who want to change the face of an environment.

Without any type of covering, not even plastering, the brick walls make the environment more rustic and cozy. And it also creates, on the outside, a new dimension and texture for the facade.

But this option needs some care to ensure its durability and beauty.

The grout

Choosing a good grout is an essential part of the project’s success. You can choose between full or dry joints.

Hire a qualified team, it will guarantee a good finish to the wall.


The care with cleaning this type of surface is very important. As it is a porous surface, avoid using this coating in areas close to the stove, as grease and kitchen waste can become impregnated and make cleaning very difficult.


Due to their high porosity, bricks are more susceptible to the appearance of molds, stains and infiltrations, which can compromise their structure.

DRYKO IMPERMEABILIZANTES has in its line the DRYKO HIDRORREPELENTE ACQUA, which is a product based on silane-siloxane (from the same family of silicones) that seals the pores of the brick and does not allow the absorption of water, thus preventing the appearance of mold, fungi and spots.

The product does not form a film, so it does not change the natural appearance of the surface.

DRYKO HIDRORREPELENTE ACQUA can also be applied on ornamental stone surfaces, exposed concrete and other surfaces. Just perform a small test to check its absorption.