July 6th, 2020


To improve the logistics and flow of a construction site, it is necessary to evaluate the conditions of the place and the best way to transport materials. The correct use of equipment for the safe handling of loads and workers is important to ensure productivity.

Equipment for horizontal and vertical transport is available on the market. Among the horizontal, we have giricas, gantry, pallet trucks and tractors. Among the verticals, we find cranes, winches, cable and rack elevators, cranes and concrete or mortar pumping equipment.

When choosing the machinery, we must take into account the dynamics of the work, the layout of the construction site and the materials to be transported. The correct specification and acquisition and the good use of the equipment are essential to guarantee good results. Therefore, investment in a logistics project becomes essential.

Construction materials must be stored and stored in a way that does not hinder the transit of people, the circulation of items and access to fire-fighting equipment. Care must also be taken not to obstruct doors or emergency exits and to avoid pushing or overloading the walls, slabs or supporting structures beyond the expected.

Wooden bags and profiles cannot be supported on walls and supporting pillars. Bricks and tiles must be in piles to prevent breakage. The cement and mortar bags, on the other hand, must be kept in a dry and ventilated place. What’s more, the item storage location must be easily accessible, facilitating the flow in the work.

Always count on trained professionals to help you. Taking these precautions and using DRYKO products at the time of waterproofing, your work will be a success.