July 6th, 2020


The way you organize material storage is all about safety, productivity and savings at the construction site. The problem is that, sometimes, this management is left aside, compromising – and a lot! – the progress of the project.

Here are some tips to improve item storage, prioritize practicality on a daily basis and increase employee safety.

Apropriated local

Choosing a strategic location for operations is critical. Thus, you do not waste time with travel in vain.

Cleanliness, lighting and ventilation are also important. Well-sanitized, light and airy places contribute to the proper maintenance of materials.

Materials Management

Think about the placement of the materials. There are those that can be kept outdoors, without any type of coverage, and others that need protection. There are also those that must be stacked, lined up and those that must not maintain direct contact with the ground.

Plan the space available for the storage indicated for each item of stock. Also consider quantities, expiration dates, maximum stacking height, position of the sun and possibilities of rain or leakage.

Adequacy of the structure

To keep everything in place, the structure chosen for the storage of materials needs to be well thought out in relation to the distance from the focal point and transport logistics. The deposit must offer security, practicality and keep the products and equipment well.

Damp, hot or dusty places, for example, can cause damage to the stock. Mold, cracks and dryness are very common damage. Keep an eye!

Access and demand

The materials with the highest output are those that should be accessed most easily. Also, think about the placement for items that need further care, such as cuts, adjustments and polishing. Materials such as PVC pipes, wires, cables and steel rods are common examples of features that must be close to tables and benches.

It is worth remembering that various materials are used in different stages of the work. Plan the purchase according to the project schedule. This prevents finishing parts from taking up space that could be used for other products.

Don’t forget that we can count on the help of technology to improve the management process as a whole. Specialized software provides greater control from start to post.

Good planning always makes all the difference. And count on DRYKO products at the time of waterproofing as well.