July 6th, 2020


A pathology in civil construction happens when a construction is defective or when it no longer meets the basic requirements of a work. That is, this term is consolidated in the building rehabilitation and conservation sector.

If any building has imperfections and is not properly serving some of its functions, it is necessary to carry out a repair. Thus, the repair of a pathology has the purpose of recovering its initial usefulness.

Performing inspections, evaluating structures and diagnosing the pathology in civil construction are tasks that need to be done periodically. In this way, the results and maintenance actions must effectively fulfill the construction recovery.

Causes of pathology in civil construction

A construction pathology usually occurs due to a number of factors. The degradations that can reach a building are basically:

  • erosions;
  • chemical reactions;
  • temperature variations;
  • vibrations and corrosion.

One of the factors that most contributes to the pathology is the phenomenon of corrosion of reinforced concrete reinforcement, which contributes a lot to the degradation of buildings.

In the next post we will talk a little more about the main pathologies in civil construction and how to avoid them. Don’t miss out!