July 6th, 2020


Despite being a widely discussed subject, many people still have doubts about the substructure and their functions.

Basically, they are responsible for distributing the weight of the construction to the ground in a safe way, so that no landslides occur and prevent problems such as cracks and cracks in the house.

Therefore, choosing the right type of substructure for your home is essential and must be made by a trained engineer.

This professional will analyze the characteristics of the soil and the weight of the building, and also determine the materials that will be used to develop the project. A well-planned project saves on the purchase of items and avoids possible setbacks in the progress of the work in the future.

The shapes of the substructures change according to the type, but they are all built with concrete and steel: this combination is known as reinforced concrete.

Starting next week, we will start a series of posts talking about each type of substructure and its characteristics. Don’t miss out!